Society is shit
Every fucking day I go to work like a fucking dog. Every day I pay my 30% taxes to feed all
the unemployed dumfucks that didn't bother to get a college
degree. According to the tax code I am rich, whereas 50% of americans pay NO TAX AT ALL.
I work like a dog so hard I can't even stand it when people say "hello" to me without thinking about how much I want to handle them.
I can't even get a fucking energy drink at the gas station without running into some homo that wants a fucking handout.
You know what? You want $$$? then work for it. You want equality? Then get the fuck up every day and suck it through a fucking
dick shaped faggoty cold tube like I do every fucking day from before sunrise till pretty fucking close to sunset.
And when after 2 weeks you dont have what you want, just fucking quit and go on unemployment like all your pos friends.
It's okay, don't worry, I got your back you worthless piece of shit. I will keep doing what i do best (being a fucking slave)
day after day, while you cast your vote to take all the money away from the "rich" and give it to the "poor."
Nobody has any idea what the electoral college is for, nobody wants to work for anything, and I'm deserving to pay 30% of
what I make to support every fucking lowlife out there and there fatherless babies. I eat fucking string beans out of a can
when i get home at night, and then i drink the juice that's left over in the fucking can. If that makes me rich then
I guess I am the richest mother fucker in the whole world.
swallow me whole you freeloading faggots you know who you are. If you think about this for just one second then you know your fucking one of them just kill yourself and save the rest of the "rich" world some time.
Ram that filthy preachy equality garbage straight back up your lazy hippie ass
I have one thing to say:
"all men are created equal" = bullshit when I pay but that guy doesn't have to
© stasis September 27th, 2011
Piss off