I hate it when people tell me to stop judging others by their looks. First of all, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, because here in America we are
given the right to free speech. Unlike the rest of the shithole planet, we are entitled to basic human pursuits as outlined in our bill of rights.
Some of us even appreciate our given rights, even though it well within our right not to appreciate anything.
I don't understand why the rest of the world hates us so bad. All they do every day point their filthy fingers at the US and say:
"look at what America is fucking up today,
the stupid white cocksuckers. Our country and our religion are so much better because blah blah blah..."
Then they go back into their straw and mud adobe houses and brutally circumcise their daughters with sharp rocks. I can judge and discriminate against anyone I please,
because here in America we have souls and minds of our own to do what we want. So fuck you and don't forget the wet spot you stupid bitch. If you don't like the
way we run the world into stuff like it was our little toy car, then stop us. Cowards.
Aside from calling every nation to arms against the United States, this article had a point. I wanted to make note of
the lighter side of judging people by the way they look. I'm not talking about the way their hair is parted, or what kinds of clothes they are wearing,
or any of that Sherlock Holmes shit. I am talking about judging and discriminating positively based upon good old race. The wild card in the game of life.
September 23rd, 2008
mail me? please don't. stasis@stasisrant.com
10,000,000 firstborn females wish they weren't born in Asia next to a bucket.