I know you drive one. So many people are buying them. Everyone wants one. Save the planet. That's yet another reason it sucks to be from the silicon valley. Besides all the ex-hippies, gay parades, and political idealism thrust into my daily life, I have to deal with this shit. I thought it was out of my system with the prius article, but I have barely scratched the surface. These cars have 70 horsepower. That is not a typo. 70. They only get 41 mpg highway. my shitbox honda gets that. Thay are retarded, simply mentally and physically handicapped normal cars. Whats the big deal? I'll tell you:
Everyone in California and all over the world is having a huge pissing contest to see who can fuck the earth a little less than the other. It's too bad that the smartcar got labeled as efficient and smart, because in reality it is a huge, slow, clunky piece of........That's all I got, I'm spent. I swear, this is the first time this has ever happened to me. no, really. Don't go! I'll be better the second time. I promise.
Just give me one more chance. I'll be ready again in like 10 minutes, I swear. I will rub your hairy back while you wait. wait, pls...
© stasis June 26th, 2008