I get serviced poorly
I sign up for auto bill pay. I hate calling and paying bills. Automated phone line operators are almost as bad as
the people over in Iran who are forced to give me customer service for everything. Almost. So recently I have had 2
services taken away from me. Why? Because I was a paying customer, of course.
I have been a loyal customer of their internet service for about 6 months now. I chose their service for a good reason,
It was the cheapest DSL line in the area. And I didn't need to sign up for any other shit, just dsl. I don't even have a home phone.
The other day, My internet stopped for a longer than usual period of time (10 minutes off was standard) so after a couple days I
called their customer service line and got serviced. The first 3 times I got through to an operator, and I use the term loosely,
I was hung up on. Every time with a "will you please hold sir, and stop calling me a sand merchant.....*click*."
I wouldn't hire any of these mopey knuckle draggers to operate the shit from their ass without
getting it in their pants most of the time. None of them could help me. Here is the standard conversation that I had approximately 12 times:
ME: (transferred from billing ~15 minute wait)
My dsl is off. I am enrolled in automatic bill pay and have been for 6 months and there is no balance due.
OPERATOR: Have you talked to billing?
ME: yeah, they transferred me to you after they said I was all payed up and I have been enrolled in auto bill pay and my balance has
never been past due.
OPERATOR: Have you ever had an outstanding balance on your account?
ME: No. I just told you that. Can you turn my service back on or what?
OPERATOR: Are you enrolled in automatic bill pay?
ME: seriously? are you retarded I have been enrolled in auto bill pay for six months.
OPERATOR: Yes sir, I understand, please settle down. Can you tell me how long you have been in our system?
ME: About six months.
OPERATOR: Well, we have found that people who enroll in auto bill pay after their balance has been past due will sometimes suffer from
a lapse in service.
ME: Holy Fucking Shit You Are the Dumest sand merchant I have ever even heard of.
OPERATOR: Yes sir, I understand, please settle down.
ME: You obviousely don't. Just turn my dsl back on before I go down to the liquor store and kick your cousin apoo's ass. stupid camel fucking..
OPERATOR: will you please hold sir, and stop calling me a sand merchant. I will have someone with you immediately that can help you
Ok.... So I deserved to be hung up on for that one.
Mind you, the first 45 minutes and 3 times I called I was much more civil and didn't deserve that kind of treatment.
Which brings me to Verizon. I have been enrolled in auto bill pay with them since 06. There are two people on my account with them.
I found out today that when I called the second phone number on my account, instead of being connected to
someone that I knew, I was connected to someone who didn't speeke de inglish very well. I called Verizon and they
informed me that the meathead at the local verizon store had given away the number to some jackass by mistake. However, the
female I talked to fixed the problem in like 3 minutes while I waited.
Srsly though, what kind of handicaps do they have working at the verizon store?
It's like the special olympics started an employment assistance program. I'm considering paying my bills
late like everyone else so my accounts don't get randomly cancelled anymore. Makes sense right?
Feb 10th, 2009
male me? stasis@stasisrant.com
Go away