10 Reasons to Shut Your Filthy Man-pleaser Every Now And Then
by stasis
In my many years on this earth I have noticed a few things. Not a whole lot of things, just a few. I am capable of thinking
for myself. I am capable of coming to conclusions on my own. I can dress myself and tie my shoes. I can wipe my ass and not have leftovers almost every time.
These feats should not astound you if you are capable of navigating to my site. What should astound you is that many "humans" claim to be able to do
the same, and yet stumble on the fundamentals. Without further foreplay, I introduce 10 reasons to keep your fucking mouth shut every now and then:
1. Opinions are like assholes; if there is one coming out of your mouth, then you need to shut the fuck up and get away from me.
2. Here in America, I can do what I want, for whatever reason I want, whenever I want. And you can't. so shut the fuck up.
3. I don't want to know who you are voting for. Are you telling me because you're insecure? Are you looking for a pat on the back for making a decision that
I could potentially agree with? Suck me off and leave me alone. At the same time. Suck me off by leaving me alone?
4. Don't spoon feed me your mashed baby bottle propaganda. If you saw it on TV and believe it, you're an idiot. If you read it on the internet and took
it to heart,
then I initially underestimated your idiocy and allowed you to talk to me. Besides, If you believe something, it automatically makes me argue with you,
because you are a tool and
I already know both sides of the issue so well that I can argue either point better than you before you can get your pants up. So you might as well just leave
and save yourself the trouble. But mostly to save me the trouble of making you leave.
6. If someone wanted to vote based solely on religion, that's fine. If someone wants to base their opinions on voodoo magic thats ok too. Coin toss? Great idea.
Dradle? You da man.
Just don't tell me about it. I don't care. Which brings me to my next point,
7. I don't care about what you say or do.
Im so over it. I'll be lucky if I can get it hard within a month either way of the election date. Take my advice and don't run your mouth endlessly and pointlessly.
It really does make me want to stomp a mudhole in your ass and then stomp it dry.
Really, it does.
October 30th, 2008
mail me? stasis@stasisrant.com