So here we are in the best country of the world. Every day I get up, go to work, pay my bills and go to bed.
That doesn't make it sound so great but whatever, fuck you. America invents everything, discovers everything,
does everything that everyone else is afraid to do.
So anyway,
as a tribute to my great country:
When you think about electricity, you think about Benjamin Fucking Franklin, not Ishbu Muhammid. Electricity
Is used all over the world and has assisted many third world countries to shed their poverty and uselessness (Japan, China, etc..)
in order to serve a higher purpose. We invented the telephone, the cell phone, the tv, everything you touch.
We employ this strange governmental process called democracy which allows us, the people, to have a say in what is happening
in our government without overthrowing it. I will agree that the masses here are generally retarded and I never agree with them,
but thats tough shit and you don't see me blowing random women and children up when I don't get what I want like some foreign asshole.
I challenge you to
think of one thing another country has done to help the rest of the world. You can't do it. We invented modern medicine
and medical procedure. We discovered penicillin. These things benefit every person on the planet. Not just us.
Our country is like 232 years old and we alone decided that it was time to pick up the pace and start eating out of
bowls instead of folded up leaves. We alone decided that curing diseases was a goal to aspire to, even though its kind of a hard
thing to do.
Lets play a game: I'll say a word or phrase and you tell me what country pops into your head first. To save time I will
answer for you, because we don't have all day.
Terrorism: any country in the Middle east.
Cowardice: any country that will not support America after we bailed them out.
Medical Technology: USA
3rd world: Africa, South America
Freedom of speech: USA
Internet Censorship: Japan, China
Freedom of religion: USA
Modern Slave Labor: Japan, China, Nike
Corruption: Mexico, Italy
60% federal taxes: United Kingdom
If its such a shithole here where you live, then why don't you take some initiative and leave? Because you don't have
the guts to stand on your own and make your own choices, thats why. It's called risk, this thing you will never understand
because everything has been spoon fed to you. If you lived in another country your ass would have been
skinned alive by now, and they would eat your meager cooked flesh out of folded up leaves with their fingers and maybe some sticks.
December 13th, 2008