It is so tiring to have to deal with the tedium of everyday life and everyday things. Every damn day
I get my fat lazy pig american ass up, I give the alarm clock a curteous "fuck you," and begin my daily activities.
My activities include such thrillers as of arriving late to work, and checking my email. During the first hour or two I will forge the time on my timecard,
and mentally spank myself to the point of prostate exhaustion.
Everything is so predictable. I know what is going to happen days and weeks in advance. And when said event occurs, all the morons around
me play into it like it was a huge surprise and they discuss ways to solve the problem. If they had enough foresight to know that
something was going to occur then they would not need to speak of it. If people possesed the infinite foresight that I have, then communications would be obselete.
Print and language would be unnecessary. The internet and all of its knowledge would become but a skidmark in the history books.
And I would be out of a job and a hobby, all in one day.
I don't have time for everyone's shit anymore. I don't have time to be stuck behind the slowest fuck on the planet every time I drive anywhere. I don't have time to fix
my window after some stupid gangstuh pussy broke it while I was sleeping. I don't have time to have my oxygen stolen and utilized by the mouth breathers that surround me.
I don't have time to spank it for 3 seconds while my cheap ass internet connection (ATT) buffers videos.
I can't accept anything but instantly available entertainment given without warning and without delay. It pisses me off to watch movies that are not condensed.
I don't have time to watch a video of you doing something cool on youtube that takes 4 seconds to buffer, and 20 seconds to foreplay, just to see you smash your head
trying to do a backflip or credit card yourself with a skateboard.
If the actual event I came to see occurs in .4 seconds, then that's how long it should take for me to watch it and move on.
September 11th, 2008
mail me?
Sorry I made you wait so long for what you wanted, you sick fuck.