So its 2015. Almost. Big hairy deal. What the fuck happened to the last 3 or 4 years? I fuckin' wasted them. Pissed em away by trusting sluts and sucking society's big fat monster bag. Pulling the wheel and paying my 30% on the top then 8% to buy shit I don't even fucking want then all the fees just to get to work over and over etc etc.
But all in all it's not all that bad. I mean, you can live like a animal while people use your money to buy food. You can pretend to be human for 1.5 days out of the week (sunday night doesnt count) while most of society leeches off their parents and loved ones. Occasionally the time will come when you discover a window into the outside world where people are being murdered by the thousands and raped by the millions then you thank your lucky stars that you have the right to remain fucking silent because anything you say will sound trite and make you just as much of a whiny bitch as everyone else on your facebook feed. Which is a lot.
Also since you have made it to 2015 I can personally welcome you to open raceism in society against white people. I can't even count the number of times I have seen 'kill whitey' and 'cracker' on my fuckbook feed. You guys swear we all have it so good up here in whitedom you know responsibility and bills and shit sucks ass right? When you get kicked out of your mom's house cuz she finds a new thang you will blame it on someone else because of course it has to be someone else's fault. Otherwise who could you blame for being a worthless raceist shithead that works at fucking target? It has to be the man. Never mind that the "man" is working right there next to you and he smoked weed 24/7 to get through every day. How can the man blame the man? The answer is redundant but it essentially is a paradox where everything sucks and everybody lives there life like its a looney toon episode and expects some kind of progress besides socialism and nobody gives a fuck what you create or how hard you worked for it because everybody fuckin hates one another and the have not's get fucked and have to go to the haves just to cop a fix.
I wouldn't have it any other way. Cya in the rat race and I dare you to try and keep up with me SLUTZ!!
© stasis December 12th, 2014