This article is long overdue.
Since you and all your eunuch friends listen to whatever MTV and Radio shits into your cumulative mouth, you may not be aware that bands such as Pantera and Damageplan ever even existed.
1. buy enough rope to hang 10 people
2. hang 9 people
3. finish the job your mother started with a pillow while you were 3 yrs old and sleeping
Dimebag Darrell rocked harder and longer than any guitarist who ever lived, and nobody even knows his goddam name. Is it possible that the masses could pull their heads out of their ass and stop checking for info on what's happening in the world of music? If they did remove their head for just a second, they might catch a glimpse of the real world, and how it doesn't revolve around stories like Princess Diana's death. In case you don't know who she is, I will explain all of her accomplishments right here and it may ring a bell:
- She lived a privileged life
- she was rich as hell and had everything given to her because of the position she was born in
- She died while fucking around and partying and accomplished nothing
Whereas Dimebag, on the other hand:
- Busted his ass so every person in our troglodyte society could know metal
- his lap of luxury was the hell of a Pantera concert
- He died on fucking stage in the middle of a concert murdered by a psycho fan in front of his brother
- and nobody gives a flying fuck
For some unknown reason Di got intense media coverage, so much so that I had to maim 25 people who brought up her death in a conversation with me. I must have heard like 10000 people spewing her story from their overfed mouths every day for like a year after she died. But what about Dimebag? I maybe heard cowboys from hell and cemetary gates like 4 times each on the radio the week following his death.
Dime accomplished more every time he pissed in a cheap hotel shower than "Princess Di" did during her entire life. He dedicated his existence to a sound and lifestyle that was so intense that most of you would whimper and bitch just thinking about it. He was so awesome, when Dimebag shat in your moms filthy manpleaser, you would cry while tied up in a garbage bag in the corner of your room, wanting to be her. You only wish you were worthy enough to clean up after he left.
© stasis May 7th, 2008